PDF Accessibility Assessment Framework (RAPDF 1): Introduction

Version 1.0, published on 5 April 2023

According to the Luxembourg law of 28 May 2019, all websites and mobile applications of Luxembourg public sector bodies must be accessible. The Information and Press Service is responsible for checking their accessibility.

In this context, the PDF framework has been developed to serve as a basis for evaluation and implementation for all public sector bodies in the scope of the law.

The RAPDF provides an operational framework for checking compliance with accessibility requirements. It can therefore be used to check that a PDF document complies with the criteria described in the European standard EN 301 549 v.3.2.1 for Section 10 Non-web documents.

It contains 46 control criteria.

This framework is published by the Information and Press Service and distributed under a CC-BY 3.0 LU licence. The sources are available on the GitHub repository accessibility-luxembourg/ReferentielAccessibilitePDF. If you find any issue in this framework, feel free to create a ticket in this repository.
