Which sites and apps deserve an accessibility assessment?
You can react to the sample proposal developed by the SIP until January 24, 2025
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
In January 2024, in order to assess the digital accessibility of public sector websites and apps, we published for the first time a campaign spanning two years, 2024 and 2025. The aim is to give those responsible for the audited public sites and apps the necessary preparation time, for example in the event of a portal redesign.

While the sample for 2025 has already been established – and can be consulted on Open Data –, the 2026 sample can still be updated. On the menu: fifteen sites must be the target of a detailed audit, also called full audit, 93 will be subject to a simplified audit, and finally six mobile applications, Android and / or iOS, must also be selected for this purpose.
The proposed 2026 sample is therefore provisional and may change to take the opinions of the various representatives of people with disabilities in Luxembourg into consideration, but also to take the observations made by certain public bodies into account.
Please note that the number of audits per section must remain unchanged, i.e., per year, fifteen complete web audits, 93 simplified web audits, six complete mobile audits. We are also keen to select an equivalent number of iOS and Android apps. Finally, for each of the lists, we try to represent in the most balanced way the following themes, proposed by the European Union:
- recreation and culture;
- employment and taxes;
- education;
- housing and community amenities
- public order and safety;
- environmental protection;
- social protection;
- health;
- transport;
- other.
You can react directly in the Discussions section on data.public.lu, at the bottom of the 2026 sample, or by e-mail.
We thank you in advance for your participation.